38 Cline Street
Norwalk, OH 44857
If you're encountering multiple problems with your television, we invite you to check out the helpful resources we've meticulously listed below. Take a look at our extensive array of Sony instructional videos that tackle a wide variety of typical features and common issues you might face.
Our goal is to ensure that we are committed to resolving the most prevalent problems promptly and efficiently, while also providing you with effective solutions so that you can enjoy your viewing experience without further interruptions.
In the event that we're not reachable for any reason, please don't hesitate to contact Sony directly at 1-800-222-7669, where their knowledgeable support team will be more than happy to assist you.
Sony TV Instructional Videos
If you're prepared for a visit, kindly get in touch with us by calling, texting (419.668.5131), or utilizing our contact form to verify our availability at the office.
There may be instances when we are away conducting TV and home theater installations or consultations. So it is advisable to give us a call or reach out to us when you're ready to purchase your TV, mount it, set up your home theater installation, or undertake any other home entertainment project.
Contact us by phone or email